Welcome to the valley

Your data is safe here, we are building a neutral and resilient piece of Internet.

A data centre dedicated to yunohsot servers

The project was born as a proof of concept. How do you set up a small data center to host Yunohost servers?

Despite the extreme ease with which Yunohost can be set up, there are still obstacles to be overcome before you can host your own Internet services. The aim of la vallee.tech is to help you overcome these difficulties by offering turnkey Yunohost VPS or free advice on setting up your own data center.

What are the services we are proposing ?

The prices are so low because it is a small infrastructure. The goal is not to make profit, but to create a neutral and resilient piece of Internet. To help people to emancipate themselves of GAFAMs and surveillance capitalism. Right now, all the cost are paid by the admin.

1 VPS yunohost

5€ / Year

We can provide you with a Yunohost server. Including 3 Go Ram and 100 Go disk space.

1 VPN for you Yunohost server

5€ / Year

You already have a Yunohost server at home, and you need a VPN to hide your traffic from your internet provider that is filtering ports (like port 25 that is used for the e-mail server)

1 Nextcloud account

5€ / Year

If all you need is a cloud account to synchronize your contacts and transfer files, we propose a nextcloud account.

1 samrtphone with /e/ Os


We propose a refurbished smartphone (Galaxy A5  2016, 16 Go de Ram) with /e/ Os installed on it.


The host provides each user with a vps on which files of their choice can be stored and eventually published.
Users undertake to respect the laws in force as well as the present charter, and are therefore prohibited from publishing content that may relate directly or indirectly to
– pornography or eroticism in all its forms
– child pornography and/or paedophilia
– terrorism and its apology
– racism and its apology
– piracy of computer programs
– audio and/or video content under copyright without explicit mention of authorisation
– spam or phishing
– illegal activities
The user is solely responsible for the publication or content that he/she stores on the space made available by the host.
The host does not carry out any a priori moderation of published content, but reserves the right to delete without notice any public content that is contrary to the GCU.
Any abusive content must be reported to Lavalee.tech

The host undertakes to use all humanly possible means at its disposal to ensure the availability, security and quality of the services provided.
However, the host cannot guarantee the reliability or availability of services, particularly in the event of force majeure or lack of resources.
In the event of a service interruption, the host undertakes to deploy all humanly possible means as quickly as possible to restore the affected services.
In the event of data loss, the host undertakes to deploy all humanly possible means to attempt to recover the data in question from the backups, or to make the said backups available to the user(s) affected on request.

The disk space made available to each user is reserved for them and can be increased on request.
The other resources (processor, RAM, bandwidth) are allocated at the creation of the VPS and are partly shared with the other VPSs.
The host does not apply any a priori limitations on these resources, however, in the event of abuse, whether voluntary or not, the host reserves the right to apply specific limitations for the user concerned, and undertakes to open a dialogue to correct the problem. In the event of recurrence or in the event that it is impossible to enter into dialogue in time to avoid impacting other users, the host reserves the right to interrupt the processes concerned on the user’s VPS.

The host undertakes to respect the privacy of its users by not storing any personal data other than for administrative purposes or legal obligations, to ensure continuity of service, contact with its users or for anonymised internal statistics.
The host undertakes not to sell, assign or transmit in any way whatsoever the personal data or metadata of users or visitors to any third party.
Any usage statistics that may be published on the site will be entirely anonymous.
The host is legally obliged to keep the history of visits to each service set up, this history contains the following data: time stamp of the visit, IP address of the visitor, full version of the browser, address of the page consulted. This data is automatically deleted after one year.

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This site does not use any cookies: it is therefore not necessary to obtain your consent for their use.

Director of the publication

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Monday to Friday : 9am – 5pm

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